Wednesday, March 10, 2010

12 Months

Here are the new things that Kenzie is doing:
--she is CONSTANTLY pulling up on EVERYTHING!
--she will take a few steps with her walker toy
--We have successfully switched out 1 sippy for whole milk. Today I decided to just go ahead
and switch her completley over to milk instead of going back and forth between milk and soy
formula. Hopefully all will go smoothly!
--Kenzie still will eat anything you put in front of her! She is getting a little burnt out on
Cheerios and lunch meat!
--She loves to talk but no one has figured out what it is she is saying yet!
--Naps are getting longer---but she is trying to switch to only 1 a day
--attended her first funeral

We are switching doctors so I haven't taken Kenzie in for her 1 year appt. As soon as I do I will post all her stats.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe that it has been a year already! Time really goes fast! The pictures are wonderful! I had been waiting for you to post pictures. Sorry to hear about your families loss. Death is tough. I am thinking about you!
